Welcome to our Nursery School!
123, New Lenox Chicago, IL 60606
Call Us Free123-456-7890


Childcare In The Ponds We feel Welcome to every child Contact Us Childcare In The Ponds We feel Welcome to every child Contact Us

Welcome to Tinytots Learning

Tinytots Learning has been established to provide a High Quality Child Care Service to cater for the needs of the local Ponds Community.

Our Programs

Child Care

Child Care

Tinytots Learning is a licensed Long Day Care Centre, catering for children between the ages 6 weeks- 6 years, across three age groups 0-2 years (Babies), 2-3 years (Junior Preschool) & 3-6 years (Preschool)

Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

At Tinytots Learning we believe all children are successful, competent and capable learners.

Our Programs

Our Programs

Tinytots Learning values the importance of a Play Based Program. We provide a wide range of activities, incorporating our Transition to School Program

Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-Curricular Activities

At Tinytots Learning we offer Extra Curricular Activities to support our Programs, including Walk-About-Reptiles, Drum Beats, Under the Sea & Backyard Bugs Shows.

What we do?

Tiny Tots Learning runs a Long Day Care Service for children aged between 0-6 years old, including a Full Preschool Program which incorporates our Transition to School Program. Our programs incorporate a Play Based Program based on the Early Years Learning Framework, which will prepare children for Big School. Including focus on areas such as Language & Literacy, Mathematics, Personal & Social Skills aswel as Physical skills.

What We Offer
* 10 Hour Sessions
* Access to our dedicated Transition to School Program
* Highly Qualified Educators who show passion for what they do
* State of the art resources in a High Quality Facility
* 5 Nutritious Meals provided Fresh Daily by Kids Gourmet Food. KGF prepares healthy, wholesome and fun meals for children in childcare. They consult with nutritionists and dieticians to produce a menu that not only exceeds the national dietary guidelines, it creates a positive and appealing mealtime environment for children in our care.
* Safe & Secure centre with visual camera doorbell entry & video monitoring
* Daily Communication to all families directly to your smart phone via Our Family Lounge App
* Child Care Subsidy (CCS) entitlements

What we do?

Tinytots Learning runs a Full Preschool Service for children aged between 0-6 years old. Our programs incorporate a Play Based Program based on the Early Years Learning Framework`}`, which will prepare children for Big School. Including focus on areas such as Language & Literacy, Mathematics, Personal & Social Skills aswel as Physical skills.

School Facilities

At Tinytots Learning we believe all children are successful, competent and capable learners. Our centre is a happy place for children to come and have fun in an inviting environment.

Play Based Learning

The learning that occurs in Play Based environments is often informal, gained as children interact, explore and try out different ways of doing

Healthy Meals

Our centre provides all meals during the day. Including breakfast, morning tea, lunch, dessert, afternoon tea late afternoon tea.


We pride ourselves on having High Quality Early Childhood Qualified Staff. With an Early Childhood University Trained Teacher as our Director

Extra-Curricular Activities

AS well as programs to support our Intentional Teaching moments, such as Walk-about Reptiles, Drum beats